Mary is an Irish Cajun from Texas, who has been transplanted to California. The Central Coast of California to be exact, which bears a remarkable resemblance to Monarch Beach, home to the Blue series of her mysteries.
While going through cancer treatment Mary made a bucket list, which included writing a book. She didn’t care of the graphic violence prevalent in mysteries today, so the Blue series was born.
She did write a book: Out of the Blue, which was followed by Wild Blue Yonder, Bluebonnets, Deep Blue See and Blue Mooed. In between, she wrote a couple of stand-alones: Hot Storage and Something in the Shadows.
Currently in the works are What in Blue Blazes, the return of Tee and her friends, and Something at the Windows, another ghost story.
Still simmering on the back burner, Peligro, set in the San Joaquin Valley during the fifties, and The Boohag’s Daughter, which awaits characters to flesh out the story.
When Mary is not writing, she can be found at the local Senior Center, where she is an active volunteer.
She hopes you enjoy her books. If she brings you even an hour of entertainment she has fulfilled her mission. If you like them, please leave a review and share with other readers.